
I have been amazed and deeply moved, over my 'Painting' years, to discover the emotional effect my paintings have on people. This became most apparent during the period when I worked from my Open Studio, in the East Lodge Jephson Gardens in Leamington Spa.
This was a fascinating period in my life. My studio was visited by people, of all Creeds and Colours, from all over the world. To observe the expressions on their faces when they first glimpsed my work was absolutely fascinating. Many people who openly admitted that they didn't have any interested in Art, would often spend time talking to me about my pictures and would frequently revisit the studio.
Hundreds of people wrote wonderful very moving comments in the Visitors Book. Many Children brought their own little paintings to show me. One lovely lady sobbed as she told me "Bryan I didn't realise there was an Artist left who portrayed the World through The eyes of a child". That brought a bit of a lump to my throat and ended up in a very large hug.
The original 'Yellow House' painting sold in my first 'Solo exhibition in 2008. Many years later my son decided to buy it back as a Birthday surprise for me. He contacted the Gallery, who told him that they would contact the purchaser, and they would get back to him. After ten minutes they got back to him, with the following message:- "Dan we have spoken to the owners of 'The Yellow House' who said:
"Tell your Dad we will sell our house, before we sell the Yellow House Picture"
To those people and all the others. Thank you for your Conversations, thank you for your wonderful Comments and thank you for your purchases. For the rest of you, welcome to my website, my paintings and my world.